VCL Company X Capt Balo


GRAD Weekend

June 13th -16th

celebrate your graduation in Miami

Grad weekend Itinerary

MorningArrival and RegistrationExercise in the ParkLeaders SummitBrunch
AfternoonArrival and RegistrationSight SeeingBeach Day/PicnicDepart
EveningGame NightDinnerYacht PartyXXX
NightXXXMiami Night ClubYacht PartyXXX

Join us for an unforgettable Afro MBA Grad Weekend in the vibrant city of Miami! Celebrate your achievements with fellow African MBA graduates in a weekend filled with fun, networking, and excitement. Don't miss the chance to create lasting memories and forge connections that extend beyond the professional realm. Let's make this weekend a celebration of success and camaraderie!...the time of your life...

For enquiries...

Contact us

Tolani: 220.225.1944
Abdul: 309.569.1906
Tosin: 314.760.5667


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